Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Volgograd, Russia War Memorial -Mamayev Kurgan

Volgograd, Russia became famous for its resistance during the Battle of Stalingrad against the German Army in WWII.  It is often regarded as the largest and bloodiest battle in the history of warfare.  Volgograd, formerly named Stalingrad, is a city in southwest Russia on the western bank of the Volga River.  This enormous statue is called "The Motherland Calls" and is the tallest statue in the world of a woman.  

The Flaming Torch memorial in remembrance to those that lost their lives in the battle.  The names are listed on the wall around the torch.
Guards are changed every hour that stand in front of the flaming torch.
Statue of a mother holding her dying son.
A soldier-nurse carrying one of the wounded.  The battle took place in the winter months of 1942 and it is estimated that between 1,250,000 and 1,798,619 casualties took place.  Forging through snow, sleet, taking shelter in fox holes and starving had to contribute to the many deaths.   

Beautiful onion-domed, Russian Orthodox church at the Memorial Park.

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