Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Rostov-on-don Mission Tour, October 2016

We did a mission tour with the Rostov-on-don, Russia Mission with President and Sister Minter in October, 2016.  We began with a Zone Leader's Council in the beautiful mission home.  Two of the Zone Leaders are native Russian and had to have the meetings translated for them.  The Russians have to serve one year in the military the year after they graduate from high school so they are a little older when they serve a mission. 
Jim teaching in Zone Conference.  He always captures their attention, holds their interest and inspires the missionaries to  "raise the bar."
After Mission Leadership Council, we drove 4+ hours to Krasnodar to hold a Zone Conference the following day. Then drove back to Rostov-on-don to hold this Zone Conference.  This is the office couple that are such a blessing to the mission.  
Thursday, we flew from Rostov to Moscow for a connecting flight to Volgograd for a 3rd Zone Conference.  The mission has 55 missionaries spread out over a very large area.  We are finding the missionaries in Russia to be very bright, high achievers.  

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